The Philosophy of Hope

Hope has traditionally been relegated to a secondary place in philosophy compared to mental states such as belief, intention or desire. Recently, a number of theorists have begun to develop systematic accounts of hope as an attitude of individuals. My work draws on and extends these analyses to also account for the social and political role that hope plays. In political discourse, people often cite hope as a political value. I want to explore what kinds of hope could have political value and why.

Titus Stahl
Assistant Professor of Philosophy


This chapter pursues three aims: First, I propose three different roles that hope can play in political philosophy - one instrumental, …

That we can hope is one of the capacities that define us as human beings. To hope means not just to have beliefs about what will …

This article considers the question “What makes hope rational?” We take Adrienne Martin’s recent incorporation …

Discussions of hope can be found throughout the history of philosophyand across all Western philosophical traditions, even …