Systematic Issues in Critical Theory

I am interested in the analysis and systematic interconnection of phenomena like ideology, domination, oppression, reification and power; as well as in the intersection of critical theory and moral philosophy and the methodology of social critique. Much of my work centers around the idea that the main forms of domination and oppression in contemporary society are best described on the level of normative social practices that institute inequality not only on the level of outcomes, but also on the level of internal normative authority within those practices. I am currently working on a number of essays that make this systematic claim. In addition, I think that a theory of social practices can also recover valuable insights from classic theories of ideology. Ideology, on such an account, is not merely a cognitive mistake. Rather, as the vocabularies in which we frame our beliefs are an expression of socially shared distinctions, oppressive practices will often find their expression in limiting and distorting vocabularies. Finally, much of my already published work deals with the method of immanent critique, that is, the idea that critical theories do not use standards that are external to the social practices they criticize but refer to their immanent potentialities.

Titus Stahl
Assistant Professor of Philosophy


It is sometimes argued that ideal theories in political philosophy are a form of ideology. This article examines arguments building on …

When we criticize social institutions and practices, what kinds of reasons can we offer for such criticism? Political philosophers …

Many contemporary forms of oppression are not primarily the result of formally organized collective action nor are they an unintended …

Critical theories, from their beginning in Marx’s philosophy to the Frankfurt School with its different generations, have always …

According to Jürgen Habermas, his Theory of Communicative Action offers a new account of the normative foundations of critical theory.1 …

This working paper examines the notion of “immanent critique”, a central methodological commitment of critical theories of …

In der Marx’schen Konzeption der Ideologiekritik lässt sich eine Spannung zwischen einer “kognitivistischen” …

Wenn wir Kritik an unserer Gesellschaft üben wollen, auf welche Normen können wir uns dabei stützen? Nur auf moralische Argumente, die …


Ideal theories of justice have been accused by contemporary non-ideal and realist theorists of an ideological character. In this paper, …